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Custom EC2 Instance Profile/Role for EMR Clusters

By default, DataPull on EMR uses the IAM role emr_ec2_datapull_role as the service role for cluster EC2 instances (also called the EC2 instance profile for Amazon EMR). This IAM role emr_ec2_datapull_role has sufficient access to run DataPull jobs that involve non-AWS data stores. For instance, you can move data from a Cassandra cluster to a MongoDB cluster without having to read this document. However, if you want to have DataPull read/write data from an AWS data store like S3, the recommendation is that you create a custom EC2 Instance Profile/Role and grant that role access to the AWS datastore/resource that DataPull needs to access.

Here is a sample terraform file for the creation of a custom IAM role emr_ec2_datapull_custom_role that can be used by DataPull on EMR as a custom EC2 Instance Profile/Role. The IAM Role thus used, can be specified for each DataPull job within its input JSON. The sample terraform file has some required policy attachments; and also some optional policies that allow DataPull to interact with AWS Secrets Manager, your own S3 bucket, etc.

The IAM Role for the DataPull API datapull_task_role needs to have IAM:PassRole access over this custom EC2 instance profile Role emr_ec2_datapull_custom_role. By default, the role datapull_task_role has IAM:PassRole access over all IAM Roles matching the pattern arn:aws:iam::*:role/emr_*datapull*; therefore it is recommended that your custom IAM Role matches this pattern.

When creating a custom EC2 Role for DataPull, it is recommended that you remove the optional policies and their related policy attachments, if you do not need them.

Runbook to create custom EC2 Role for DataPull on EMR

This runbook assumes that you have already installed DataPull, and you have access to the folder of the forked/mirrored repo used for the installation. If not, you will re-do the Pre-install Steps with the same values for the variables, as was used in the Install.

  1. In the folder that has the locally cloned forked/mirrored repo, copy the sample terraform file that will create the custtom IAM role, from docs/docs/resources/ to api/terraform/datapull_iam/
  2. Rename the copied file to the name of the custom IAM role, say
  3. In the copied file, replace <PLACEHOLDERS> in the optional policies that you wish to use, with the values appropriate for your environment; remove the optional policies and attachments that you do not wish to use.
  4. If the ARN of the custom IAM Role does not match the pattern arn:aws:iam::*:role/emr_*datapull*, add the ARN to the array of resources for the action iam:PassRole of policies datapull_iam_api_policy and datapull_emr_service_policy in the file api/terraform/datapull_iam/
  5. Re-run the installation step Create IAM User and Roles, with policies so that the copied terraform file creates the custom IAM Role and updates the exsting Terraform state.