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Can I use datapull to bulk delete rows in my Cassandra database?

The SQL used for migrating Cassandra to Cassandra cannot be used to issue DELETEs, but it can update the TTL on rows using a spark option. To run a bulk delete, just set both the source and destination to the same table, select only the rows that you want to delete, and set a small TTL on them using a nonzero value in the spark.cassandra.output.ttl field in your sparkoptions block. (This is technically only an update, but it will have the desired effect of deleting the selected rows when the TTL runs out.)

Example: In a table with columns foo, bar, and baz, the following block in your input JSON could be used to delete all rows where baz is set to true.

  "migrations": [
      "source": {
        "table": "my_foo_table",
        "alias": "source_table"
        "query": "SELECT foo, bar, baz FROM source_table WHERE baz = true"
      "destination": {
        "table": "my_foo_table",
        "sparkoptions" : {
          "spark.cassandra.output.ttl" : "1"

!!! note For Elastic Search as a platform, it is recommended not to use _id or id as field names of mappingid as they are unique keyword in Elastic Search.

How can I submit a DataPull job which should run exactly once?

To make the DataPull job to run only once, we can remove the cronexpression parameter from the json, then it will be executed only once.

How to replace or upsert documents in MongoDB using DataPull?

We can use replace documents by setting up the option replacedocuments to true(By default it is true) which will replace the whole document with the recent one which is having the same _id.

If we want to upsert new columns to the existing documents we can the replacedocuments to false and we have to explicitly select use the same _id along with the new columns and in case if we don't have the same _id on the source side then we can read destination mongo collection as one of the source and joining that with the other source/s then pushing it to the destination will upsert the documents existing.

How does DataPull behave when reading data from MongoDB collection which is having more than one schema?

DataPull uses dataframes to move data from source/s to destination. Dataframes are schema bound i.e it expects a single schema across the whole dataset. To find the schema of a Mongo Collection, DataPull will sample a few documents in the Collection (the sample size is configurable). To conclude Datapull can't reliably migrate a collection/dataset which has multiple schemas in it.

How do I convert an Array of Doubles/Strings to a string using Spark SQL?

For example - "categories":["geoAdmin:continent","meta:highLevelRegion"] then we can use CONCAT('[',concat_ws(',',categories),']') as categories.

How do I convert Array of Jsons to a String?

For example - "localizedNames":[{"lcid":1025,"value":"أنتاركتيكا","extendedValue":"أنتاركتيكا"},{"lcid":1028,"value":"南極洲","extendedValue":"南極洲"}] then we can use to_json(localizedNames) as localizedNames

How do I convert String UUID to Type4 UUID?

For moving data to MongoDB with custom _id or any UUID's as UUID than as a String, we wrote a custom function. we can use uuidToBinary(uuid_colum) as _id in the sql column of the json. and can use binaryToUUID(_id) as column_name to do the vice versa.

For any Spark SQL functions please refer to and If you don't find any, feel free to let us know we are happy to write the custom function or you can contribute back to the tool.

How to I create a complex document structure with nested arrays and subdocuments, using Spark SQL?

Let's assume you want to create an array within a document within an array within a document, like this ...

    "unitUuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "unitInfo": [
            "UnitID": "3000523",
            "Y": [

Here's the Spark SQL statement that will produce the above document.

, UA.cibEnabled 
, ( 
    collect_set ( 
            'UnitID', U.unitId 
            , 'Y', ( 
                select collect_set(P.listingNumber)  
                from P 
                where U.propertyEntityId = P._id 
    from U 
    where UA.unitEntityId = U._id 
) as unitInfo 
from UA

Common errors and their fixes

EMR Pipeline errors


You submit a DataPull job either through the UI or through the REST API endpoint and the EMR cluster isn't created.


  • Check if IAM role or secret and access key given to API service is having permission to create EMR cluster.
  • If this is a scheduled job (i.e you have specified a cron expression in your JSON input) the pipeline will not start building until the scheduled time (which is in UTC) becomes current.
  • If this is an ad-hoc job (i.e. you haven't specified a cron expression in your JSON input) the system automatically schedules the pipeline to run approximately 5 minutes from the time you submitted the JSON through the UI/REST api endpoint.


You are unable to move data from an S3 bucket in Dev environment to an InfluxDB cluster in Production environment


This is a known limitation that affects InfluxDB alone; and there is an easy workaround - Do a DataPull from the S3 bucket in the Dev environment to an S3 bucket in the Production environment; using a Spark cluster in the Production environment. - You will need to provide the AWS access key and secret key for the Dev environment, in the input json. - You need not provide the AWS access key and secret key for the Production environment, in the input json since the IAM role that the Spark cluster runs on would/should usually have access to the S3 buckets in the same environment. - Do a DataPull from the S3 bucket in the Production environment to the InfluxDB cluster in the production environment; using a Spark cluster in the Production environment.

!!! note "Please note that" - this limitation does not affect any other source-destination pair as of 2019-01-08 i.e. you can move data from a dev S3 bucket to a production MongoDB cluster; you can move data from a dev Cassandra cluster to a production InfluxDb cluster etc. - if Production Isolation is fully enforced i.e. once there is no network access between the production and non-production environments, no tool including DataPull will be able to move data between production and non-Production environments without approval from the Security team and an exemption from the Network team.

Vault errors


You get the following error in the email report Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://vault-url/clustername/login at 


The issue here is that Vault was unable to find the password for your clustername and loginname. Please check the following

  • The clustername and login name are case-sensitive.
  • The clustername in Vault does not match the name you provided in Vault.

Getting error when reading from a cassandra table from the local environment?

Error: INFO FileFormatWriter: Job null committed.
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/configuration/ConfigurationException
    at org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.DefaultSource$.<init>(DefaultSource.scala:135)
    at org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.DefaultSource$.<clinit>(DefaultSource.scala)


Please add the below dependency to the core pom and re run the job.
