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Uninstall DataPull deployed on AWS Fargate/ECS and AWS EMR

This document helps you uninstall DataPull on an Amazon AWS account


  • The fork/branch of the DataPull repo used for the installation should be available; since the script uses the same master-application-conf-<env>.yml data that was used for the install, for the uninstall too.
  • The S3 bucket (which holds the datapull-opensource/terraform-state folder) should exist
  • The IAM User datapull_user used for the purpose of installing DataPull, should exist
    • If this user has been deleted, you can follow the first part of DataPull installation to re-create this IAM user

What does not get uninstalled by this process?

  • AWS EMR default roles that are created by the CLI command aws emr create-default-roles
  • DataPull's logs, sample data, terraform state, and history at <s3_bucket_name>/datapull-opensource
  • Networking components created by the runbook Setup VPC etc. in AWS Account for DataPull install

How to uninstall

Uninstall non-IAM components

  • From the terminal at the root of the repo, run
    • cd api/terraform/datapull_task/
    • chmod +x
    • ./ <env>

Uninstall IAM components

  • From the terminal (assuming you are using the same terminal session as the previous steps), run
    • cd ../datapull_iam/
      • If you are at the root of the repo, run cd api/terraform/datapull_iam/
    • chmod +x
    • ./ <aws_admin_profile> <s3_bucket_name> <region>